The chanting of the two boys sitting under the tree reminded me of my Bar Mitzvah class over 60 years ago. Continue reading
Category Archives: Africa
Namibia Basics — Where to Stay and Eat
In Namibia its meat, meat, and more meat. Except, that is, for the fresh seafood in Swakopmund. Continue reading
Last Day in Namibia
Giant red sand dunes, apple crumble cake, Mad Max, and sushi — all in one day!
Namibia — More Than Just Big Animals
Imagine slogging at sunrise along the crest of one of the largest sand dunes in the world! Red sand, blue sky, and no one else in sight. The charms of Namibia just don’t quit!
Namibia Redux: Part 1
It took only two days to be reminded of why I like Namibia so much. And it had nothing to do with the charismatic megafauna (i.e., big, interesting animals) that roam its parks and game reserves.
Back to Namibia
What a life! Repeat visits to places I love — Antarctica, Scotland, SE Asia, now Namibia. I’m a lucky geezer, indeed!
Paradise with Crocodiles
Namibia — Raw and Wild
The lion stared at me, less than 10 meters away, then roared. I gringed, realizing that with just a quick, short leap, he could pull me out of our open “safari Ferrari” and drag me away.
The Summit in Swak
What is this, a blog post about a mixed martial arts extravaganza?
Driving Through the Moonscapes of the Namibian Desert
Not a sign of human habitation in sight through the windshield of our right hand drive, manual transmission 4X4 in the middle of the Namibian desert. Now, that’s my idea of adventure!